Veolia a vendu ses lignes de bus à la compagnie israélienne Afikim
L’équipe de recherche de Who Profits a vérifié la validité de la dernière annonce de Veolia et a constaté que d’après le registraire des entreprises israéliennes, Connex Transport Israël est bien maintenant entièrement détenue par Afikim.
Après en avoir terminé avec ses opérations de lignes de bus de Modi’in le mois dernier, Veolia Transport Israël (Connex Israël) a annoncé la semaine dernière sur son site qu’elle vendait ses services de bus restants à la société israélienne Afikim.
« Connex Transport Israël, connue aussi comme Veolia Transport, a été vendue à la société Afikim.
« Pendant les prochains mois, la totalité des actifs de la Connex vont être soumis à un processus de changement de marque pour prendre le nom de la société Afikim (changement d’icônes, de mentions et autres symboles permettant l’identification de la société). Durant cette période, les lignes de bus que gère la Connex seront également exploitées par les autobus Afikim sous la marque de la société. Les numéros de lignes restent inchangés ».
L’équipe de recherche de Who Profits a vérifié la validité de la dernière annonce de Veolia et a constaté que, d’après le registraire des entreprises israéliennes, la Connex Transport Israël est bien maintenant entièrement détenue par Afikim.
Cela signifie qu’en plus des 35 lignes de bus Afikim qui desservent des dizaines de colonies, cette société exploitera trois autres lignes de Bnei-Brak à Jérusalem pour la communauté Haredim (juifs ultra-orthodoxes) en Israël. À savoir les lignes de bus 422, 425 et 427 qui traversent les territoires palestiniens occupés au carrefour de Mahane Ofer, à la colonie Givat Ze’ev et dans Jérusalem-Est occupée.
Il est important de noter que Veolia est toujours impliquée dans l’occupation : dans le transfert des déchets vers la décharge de Tovlan, dans les TPO, par une filiale, et dans le tramway par ses parts dans les sociétés Citypass et Connex Jerusalem.
Sep 2013
Who Profits research team checked the validity of Veolia’s latest announcement and found that according to the Israeli companies’ registrar, Connex transportation Israel is now fully owned by Afikim.
After it terminated its operations of the Modi’in bus lines last month, Veolia Transportation Israel (Connex Israel) announced last week on its website that it sold its remaining bus services to the Israeli company Afikim.
« Connex transportation Israel that is also known as Veolia transportation has been sold to Afikim company. In the coming months all of Connex’s assets will undergo a process of re-branding to Afikim’s company name (Change of icons, captions and other signs that identify the company). In this period, the bus lines that Connex operated will also be operated by Afikim buses with the brand of the company. The line numbers remain the same. »
Who Profits research team checked the validity of the announcement and found that according to the Israeli companies’ registrar, Connex transportation Israel is now fully owned by Afikim.
This means that in addition to 35 Afikim bus lines serving dozens of settlements, the company will operate another three bus lines from Bnei-Brak to Jerusalem for the Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) community in Israel. The bus lines numbered 422, 425 and 427 pass through the occupied Palestinian territories in Mahane Ofer junction, Givat Ze’ev settlement and occupied East Jerusalem.
It is important to note that Veolia is still involved in the occupation ; in transferring waste to Tovlan landfill in the oPt through a subsidiary and in the light train through it’s shares in Citypass and Connex Jerusalem.
Huge BDS Victory ! Veolia Sells Off Israeli Bus Lines !
Veolia Sells Off All Bus Lines in Israel/Palestine !
by Anna Baltzer, National Organizer
September 24th, 2013
Big news ! We just received confirmation that Veolia Transdev — a long-standing target of boycott and divestment Palestine solidarity campaigns worldwide along with its partial owner Veolia Environment — has sold off all bus services in Israel/Palestine ! Until last week, Veolia Transdev, through its Israeli subsidiary Connex, operated bus lines for settlers on segregated roads in the Palestinian West Bank, and other lines throughout Israel. Today it operates none.
This marks one of the most significant, tangible victories to date for the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement. Veolia represents the global flagship BDS target, having lost more than $16 billion in contracts following campaigns across continents citing Veolia’s complicity in Israel’s gross violations of Palestinian human rights.
In the U.S., member groups from Los Angeles to Boston have taken Veolia to task in their city councils and municipal departments. Peace-seeking Quakers achieved divestment from Veolia, while member groups in Yolo and Sonoma Counties, CA, and St. Louis, MO celebrated local victories and major breakthroughs catching the attention of Israeli officials, Veolia headquarters, mayoral candidates, and popular media.
These activities, combined with parallel campaigns across the world, have imposed a significant cost to Veolia for its ongoing participation in Israel’s occupation and apartheid policies — a cost that Veolia can no longer ignore, as evidenced by the recent news.
Nonetheless, Veolia remains an important target. It continues to own and operate the Tovlan landfill in the occupied West Bank, which collects and dumps refuse from Israeli settlements using illegally captured Palestinian land and natural resources — a form of pillage ; it provides wastewater services to settlements ; and Veolia Transdev still operates the Jerusalem Light Rail, which deeply entrenches and normalizes Israeli illegal settlements in East Jerusalem. Beyond Palestine, Veolia is also infamous for labor abuses, privatizing public resources, and disastrous environmental practices.
This recent victory illustrates the power of local organizing and the importance of redoubling our efforts to hold Veolia accountable until it ends all complicity in Israel’s abusive practices once and for all !
Do you want to start a Veolia campaign ? Check out the new, improved Dump Veolia Campaign section of our website, featuring :
• Step-by-step « How to Start Your Own Veolia Campaign » guide
• New resources, like logos, fact sheets and a free toolkit
• Much more !
As always, the US Campaign is here to serve member group organizing so let us know if you’re planning a campaign ! We can connect you with organizers and resources to build on the great work already happening. Onward !