La Campagne BDS France ne bénéficie pas de soutien public, et vous invite à faire un don de soutien régulier en fonction de vos possibilités.
Les militant.e.s impliqué.e.s réalisent un travail politique important, réussissent à mener campagne, et sont présents sur de très nombreux événements. Mais la campagne doit améliorer sa présence dans les médias et sur les réseaux sociaux, et mieux suivre ses contacts auprès d’élu.es et de personnalités.
La situation tragique que subit le peuple palestinien ne change rien à notre conviction que la meilleure réponse à l’apartheid israélien est la campagne internationale de Boycott, Désinvestissement et Sanctions. La Campagne BDS France doit et peut, avec votre aide, intensifier le mouvement historique d’appel au BDS et gagner plus de campagnes.
Toute participation financière, même minime, sous forme de soutien régulier, est bienvenue.
Donnez sur HelloAsso via le MAN (Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente)
Don par chèque
Envoyez un chèque à l’ordre de l’une des organisations ci-dessous en mentionnant « Solidarité Palestine » :
IPAM – Solidarité Palestine à l’adresse suivante : IPAM – Solidarité Palestine 21 ter rue voltaire, 75011 Paris
MAN – Solidarité Palestine à l’adresse suivante : MAN – Solidarité Palestine 21 ter rue voltaire, 75011 Paris
ATTAC – Solidarité Palestine à l’adresse suivante: ATTAC – Solidarité Palestine 21 ter rue voltaire, 75011 Paris
SOLIDAIRES – Solidarité Palestine à l’adresse suivante : SOLIDAIRES – Solidarité Palestine 21 ter rue voltaire, 75011 Paris
Donate to the BDS French Campaign
The international Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) Campaign was launched following the Palestinian appeal to impose a broad boycott and implement divestment initiatives against Israel, just like the campaign against South Africa in the apartheid era. These non-violent punitive measures should be maintained until Israel abides by its obligation to recognise the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and until it complies with international law by:
1. Ending its occupation and colonisation of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall;
2. Recognising the fundamental right of the Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality;
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties, as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.
The BDS campaign is a citizens’ non-violent response to Israel’s impunity and is designed to exert pressure on Israel and on our respective governments. It is a people’s movement that everyone can take part in; in Israel itself, valuable work is being carried out by the members of the Boycott from Within association, even though they are in the minority in that country.
The BDS French campaign has made great strides since it was founded in 2009. However, unlike the BDS campaigns in other countries, the French campaign is being waged under the constant pressure of legal prosecutions, as zionist agencies persist in filing criminal charges against our activists in an attempt to discourage us and strangle us financially. But, come what may, this will not prevent us from pursuing our solidarity with the Palestinian people, and our campaign against Israel’s policies of colonisation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing will go on. We want to reinforce the campaign and increase our visibility by organising and participating in more events in order to enlarge our base, and we need to develop our existing campaign tools and create new ones.
For all these reasons, the BDS French campaign needs your support. Apart from the annual subscription of our member organisations, we can rely only on the contributions of activists and members of the public who wish to support the Palestinian cause and the BDS appeal.
You can help us financially in different ways:
Regular monthly donation
Regular monthly donations allow us to more effectively develop the campaign and plan our actions. By choosing to make a regular donation, you allow us to better plan ahead in developing the campaign and organising our actions.
Please circulate this message as widely as possible. Thank you for your solidarity!
BDS French campaign